Checking In With Bill

13 Sep 2007

Everybody knows the content game is where it’s at these days. The big guys, the little guys… heck, Desedo Films. So it’s nice to see Bill Murray deadpanning his way through his cameo in a moxie-produced internet-only short film. Of course Funny or Die is no ordinary internet video portal given its founders. (Love the name, hate the website, btw). Still, none of that was a factor in the snuffled laughter heard emanating from locus-Raafman a few minutes ago. Writing still counts, and spot-on performances. Them’s the facts.

FCU with Bill Murray

The deeper questions: streams, ad revenue, portability across platforms… oh and that significant step up in production value from where these guys started out … it looks like a few poeple are guessing that those things will shake themselves out over time. I think I’ll have a glass of milk now.

link via arc90.