Love these two films. Wondering how ROI will be tracked by the brands and when adapted into features, who owns the rights.
HT to Farrah Bostic
Love these two films. Wondering how ROI will be tracked by the brands and when adapted into features, who owns the rights.
HT to Farrah Bostic
This spot comes out of the gate with traction, it calls on a collective cultural memory and is thus all the more sticky. It’s also disruptive in a way that I’ve been waiting to see. I’m curious to know about how use of the jingle was brokered with Wrigley, and of course, if any other F500 brands have done something bold like this.
I loved Hot Tube Time Machine. I hated The Hangover. Many critics are comparing the two, but the films are wildly different in their self-consciousness. The former knew it was stoopid while the latter thought itself clever. As A.O. Scott said in his review
The undercurrent of misogyny and homophobic panic that courses through most arrested-development, guy-centric comedies these days is certainly present here. But unlike, say, The Hangover, which sweetens and sentimentalizes its man-child characters — allowing them to run wild and then run home to Mommy — Hot Tub Time Machine is honest in its coarseness and pretty tough on the fellows who are the agents and objects of its satire.
Last week I was at the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit. During a Q&A session, we discussed which companies can show their customers true sustainability. And while it’s not cosmetic, the example I shared was Sun Chips. Not because of their solar powered factory, but because their bags are now fully compostable.
So beyond any talk of green practices, their waste product, when in the hands of consumers, does not have to be waste. Actions speak so much louder than words. Can we see any other major CPG brands in the compost bin?
A service android brand-named PIA has replaced the majority of third tier labor in the United States. Hospital nurses, hotel workers and other maintenance driven industries all use the sleek, black-clad, human-organ powered machine to supplement their human workforce….