Author: MHB

  • Predator

    Paul Kamuf, Brad and MHB teamed up to make this short film about dial tones and predator drones. It’s been flying around the festival circuit from the hills of Italy to Cali-for-ni-ay.

  • Vice = Playboy 2.0?

    madonnaplayboy.jpgIs Vice positioned in the hipster snarketplace as Playboy for Millennials? Starting in 06ish, Vice’s editorial content moved toward an even split of Issues That Matter (like women’s lib in India, Authors or Pollution) and heaps more T&A. (under the aegis of fashion)

    Maybe 15 year old lads are telling mom that they read Vice…for the articles. Now is the mag sending a message to women that they can best be a part of the Vice world sans shirt? Does it castrate the value of writing about India’s Gulabi Gang?

  • Christvertising


    Religion is ginger territory for Madison Avenue. To CYA, call Christvertising next time you want in with the JC set.


    a sip of the Friday holy water to SOC

  • Marlo Stanfield, Brand Manager

    Be ye a CEO of the Corner or the corner office, you’ve gotta know what those on the street are saying about your brand.


    related posts:
    Social Structure of The Wire

  • Simple Stroke of Disruption

    appleretroad.jpgDuring the 2002/3 NFC Championship game, Nike premiered a :60 called Soccer Streaker. It was effectively a Super Bowl commercial, but airing it 2 weeks early was a simple yet adroit example of disruption planning.

    Given the media glut in which we live, simplicity can sometimes be a point of great strength. Since the clean design of Apple/Google/Craigslist stays winning, I often wonder why so many Power 150 bloggers, who are ace in this market+brand space, have visually chaotic sites. If everyone is screaming, I’ll seek the lone, silent man.

    Could a Brand re-broadcast spots that have been in the vault for 30 years? If it came out of left field, seemingly random and at off-hours, would the content feel like a whisper? A secret, ergo valuable, discovery for the viewer that could then build WTF buzz value? I’m not suggesting that this be the entire campaign, but if it’s a small % of your media buy, the ROI could be surprising.

  • Kermit the Frog + Terry Richardson

    TR just shot stage legend Kermit for Supreme – a triumverate for the ages. Richardson’s name is popping up with increasing frequency on the advert circuit. One day is the value/act of being by shot him going to supercede the final product?


    I also wonder if in the next few years we’ll see a brand call for Richardson (Get Me One of Those!) and then have 2nd thoughts once the work is delivered. Like Motorola did with
    Michel Gondry, making the mistake of swooning for the starshine, but overlooking the actual work that made the artist an artist .


  • Barbie, The Ghetto Diaries + Fanon

    your hair looks good girl

    Last week Robin Hafitz from Open Mind/kb+p gave a great
    presentation about how the walls of public/private space are melting. One sign of these times is the sex tapes and commando-flashing tactics of Brit/LiLo/Paris. The recording and sharing of sex is no longer in the back room, but
    writ large, and as Robin noted, Barbie and Ken aren’t just dating, they’re making porn.

    Robin’s talk came spinning back into my skull today when I learned about YouTube auteur SANKYLADY. Her series, Ghetto Diaries, goes one step beyond porn into a realm of absurdity, sexytime and bad haircuts. And it’s pretty durn addictive.


    SANKY joins the ranks of women vidders, her work lodged somewhere between Brookers and Luminosity, futzing with a billion dollar brand in the lowest of fi. I do hope she catches a virus, in a good way.

    X8IjwO6eFnM(learned about Sanky Lady from the The Message)