my rims are matte The Raafmonster and MHB were in Harlem this morning scouting locations. We snapped our pics and moseyed down the 125. Raafi took a few bonus shots and said “I think you might need to email those to me”. And so here they are. My friend’s got a crush on Depth of Field and on Flat Planes. It may seem to be at odds, but they kiss close like jimmies and soft serve. iced for daze
Fresh off the wire, this is the most surreal music video of the summer. Kanye’s personal trainer is friends with Zach. Kanye gave Zach carte blanche to do a video. Will happened to be at Zach’s farm that weekend. Amazing. I’m gonna go remix some Palace Brothers now.
This summer I keep meeting new photographers. They run the gamut – cell phone experimenters, studio theorists and some who rock large format. And so I’ve been looking at heaps of photos and wondering if and how our relationships with these images have changed in the digital era. Do they carry the same emotional weight when shared and seen onscreen as opposed to in print? It’s obviously more efficient for all parties, but lately I’ve resolved to print more and email less.
My parents recently turned my old bedroom into a study, so down in DC this weekend I sifted through boxes of youth. I found cutouts of early 90’s Nike ads featuring athletes like Jerry Rice and Nolan Ryan talking about overcoming adversity to acheive goals.
Bench press your weight.
Master a 3rd language.
Call Her.
As a kid, I had stuck them on my walls for inspiration to better my sports game and likely life in general. I broke several bones along the way, but never made the starting lineup. No worries, I persevered and now run with first-team. Staring at those ads in my parents’ leafy neighborhood, I thought about a recent story by writer Dallas Penn. To get focused and redouble your efforts, check out his piece about ScatterBlast. Then head outside and call winners on the toughest court.
(1 Deft DJ + 24 bottles of Svedka + 30 cases of Newcastle) x (100s of People) = A Wild Rumpus. Here are some pics of the merry pranksters. And mark your calendars for the Elephants’ next throwdown – October 25th – send a missive to if you want to join the party.