Author: MHB

  • Lifecycle

    More fun than Calvinball?
    As the NYT reported today, Geneneration Y’s nostalgia for the 90’s is in full swing. The article attributes this in part to 9/11 + our bad economy = young folks taking refuge in the halcyon days of youth. Agreed.

    But what I’m also wondering about is how the internet accelerates this process. Is the lifecycle in which content goes from hot to not to hot now shorter? And given the ability to find/connect with anything, does this enable Gen Y to simply never leave behind elements of their youth?

    I believe that networked identity creates distributed identity such that past elements of me at age 10, 16 and 22 can all exist simultaneously, moreso than ever before. WIth that in mind, I’m quite curious to see if the concept and execution of nostalgia will mutate with Generation Z.

  • Farming

    If you read the 40 Farmers Under 40 article, and are jonesing to get dirt under your fingernails, then you should WWOOF. It’s a global, customizable barter system through which you work on farms in exchange for room and board. Plus it’s a healthy way to do some armchair ethnography.

    In years past, I’ve worked on a dairy farm in Denmark, sold flowers in Iceland and spent months harvesting olives + clearing fields of boulders in Tuscany. Spoke none of the native tongues, but learned heaps while silent. I think this citymouse now needs to get himself back to the country.

  • Race, Ethnicty & New Media Symposium

    westside, talk it out.

    MHB will be presenting his American-Muslim Consumer research at the Texas A&M Race and Ethnic Studies Institute conference on April 30th.

  • Topshop

    TipTopUK fashionista fave TopShop just opened its first NYC store. Wheatpaste adverts abound. And next to some of the official ads, lurk posters that seem to poke fun at spokesmodel Kate Moss and the brand. Yet they are rather harmless and in keeping with both the brand spirit and aesthetic.
    Easy on that White
    So it makes me wonder if the snarky posters are in fact from the agency running the campaign. Are they creating their own point/counterpoint in an effort to further place the brand within the streetscape dialogue? Is it an effort to make TopShop look all the more fresh and that people care enough about it to talk it out? And if so, where does this fall within the rules of slang and advertising?
    rocking freshdress

  • About Face

    Uncle Sam Wants U
    In a US Army effort to boost their ‘human capital’, they will

    begin recruiting skilled immigrants who are living in this country with temporary visas, offering them the chance to become United States citizens in as little as six months… Recruiters expect that the temporary immigrants will have more education, foreign language skills and professional expertise than many Americans who enlist, helping the military to fill shortages in medical care, language interpretation and field intelligence analysis.

    This article makes my head spin with questions. Could have simply posted the link via my Facebook or Twitter, but want to place it within the space of Desedo and talk it out. So:

    The loss of private sector jobs is a boon to the military, as more folks are now enlisting. But should that well run dry, could the US military impose a draft for such an abstract war?

    Each generation of immigrants is denigrated, and then swept into the fold of ‘America’. Will this citizenship via military be adopted en masse by any particular group?

    What artists are speaking with the greatest insight about everyday truth of military life? Certain sonic spaces of country and hip-hop seem to be the closest, as do documentaries like Gunnar Palace. And don’t forget the vital voice of Mommy blogs.

  • Modern Brand Building

    The product really is the marketing.
    Make better products first.

    Paul Isakson

    This is one of my favorite presentations about branding within the new media landscape. Not only for the content, but for the crisp aesthetics, which look well informed by Tufte’s critique of powerpoint.

  • Copyright

    Penguin V. Kitten
    Deep in the Desedo laboratory, our caldron bubbles. Wondering about copyrights, we asked a legal friend and he said the below. Succinct and smart, so we’ll share:

    You can only copyright expressions and not ideas. Ideas are free, but the creative expression of ideas benefit the public so much that the government is willing to give a monopoly to the expression’s creator. What this means here is that the first you must do is to never say that you want to own the idea. That is untenable.

    And in order for an expression to be copyrightable, it must be fixed in some tangible medium (on paper, on video, in computer code…). The medium that it needs depends upon what it is that you are trying to copyright. It is okay for a composer to write down the notes of a song, or a choreographer to write down dance steps, and then copyright that piece, but your expression may need something more than just paper fixation.

    For example:

    A person writing down the idea to have the interaction between the computer and the user to be graphically based with certain icons representing certain tasks, thus alleviating the need for all users to use typed commands is not copyrightable because it is an idea; but when someone writes a program that actually performs that function, then the idea has been expressed in a fixed form, with the code being the fixation. Your idea requires for the code to be written – that is a viable expression.

    Pirate V. Pony

    Now, if the technology already exists for your expression to come into fruition, you can simply compile that already fixed technology into a package and copyright the compilation. The trick is that you must actually compile it into a functioning compilation. The analogy would be if I wanted to publish a compilation of ancient Roman bed time stories, I would first have to actually gather all of the stories (I chose ancient Roman because they would all be in the public domain already) and put them in order and add whatever commentary I wanted to add before I registered my copyright. Now this copyright would only protect the unique expressions:

    My added commentary (because it is truly original and fixed) and the order and arrangement of the stories (not the stories themselves).

    If I wanted to compile stories that were actually still protected with valid copyrights I would have to transform them some how (like via parody) so that the transformative elements could be copyrightable and I would not have to pay the original copyright owner any royalties. (Spaceballs/Star Wars)

    So with this in mind for any tech based content, one approach is to create the program with public domain software (like RedHat) that can handle everything you need, as it is difficult to prove a transformative use on someone else’s software.

    Hero or Villain?

    Dive deeper? Here is Lawrence Lessig on Charlie Rose.