Raafi’s Hummer Hydrogen spot has piqued industry interest, including some from the Agency Spy.
Raafi’s Hummer Hydrogen spot has piqued industry interest, including some from the Agency Spy.
Got tapped by Sony to produce a slate of docs about NYC rockers. The best thing about these spots is that we pick bands we like and dip into their world for a hot second. In the past few weeks, I’ve developed a whole new appreciation for the drummer. He has the unwieldy gear. He sits in the back and sweats up a storm. Yet there’s more going on there, some kind of charisma – because as a lad he convinced his parents to buy him this noise kit and like a shephard he keeps the band on track and on time.
Below is our spot with Black Gold, the drummer Than explained to us the genius of Qunicy Jones’ drum selection and can rock a leather vest with aplomb. Also keep your ears peeled for Gunnar from the The Exit and White Rabbits – cause they double your pleasure with 2 drummers.
Just spent 10 amazing days in India expanding the reach of the Desedo Dropsquad. Rolled with ECDs, diamond dealers and Bollywood starlets. Saw that our fellow pachyderm Ganesh rides loud as a motorbike and won’t be surprised when Western women begin rocking kajal. It’s 1 billion people 9.5 hours in the future from NYC.
4/17/08: MySpace India goes on smash
The day of Choosing had arrived.
All of the boys gathered in the center of town, carrying only small rucksacks with food and essentials. Their eyes darted to one another, then back to the ground as if examining the already familiar scuffs and scrapes on their shoes. The town square buzzed with excitement, murmurs were traded by the townspeople and blended with the din of animal sounds. Each grown man was accompanied by his totem – the animal that complemented him, giving balance to his personality and strength. These men had all been through this ceremony, the passage from being a boy into becoming a man.
Most of the boys knew which animal would choose him; it tended to run in the family. If he got the same totem as his father, the family’s status in the town would be sustained. Some families lost out in the process, others made significant gains.
OK, so while this is when Desedo existed in name only, Raafi’s thesis film U Street Blue was the first Raaf, MHB + Brad Young collaboration. And the Washington Post knows a good thing when they see it.
This post was published on July 28th, 1990.
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