Category: Our World

  • Mischief Roof Pixxx

    For those in the know, the Mischief Roof Party was a scorcher. Ring Pops + Pixie Stix, Twister + Butternuts + more that cannot be named. And so happy fall to yall and keep your ears to the street, cause soon comes more fun.














    And of course thanx! to our superfriends Jerri and Laurie for shooting them pix so fine.

  • Summer Camp + Hip-Hop

    As a teen I went to a summer camp on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Ran about barefoot, howled @ the moon and learned to be me. And in that feral setting, I also developed a love for hip-hop, brought on by the Brooklyn kids in my tent. Reading the Camp Camp blog today, I learned that this little distribution channel of rhyme was actually happening in bunks and swamps nationwide, concrete jungle indeed.

  • 16 Candles

    Rockwell for everyone who was roofside @ Mischief last night. And today we crush a cup of wine for Jordan’s birthday. Evidence of that Wonderfully Wicked Wednesday is forthcoming….

  • Mischief Party – Rooftop Invite

    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

    Ze Mischief crew is back, back from vacation.
    So good revelers clean thy slates, gird for libation.

    Wednesday, 8P, August Twenty Seven.
    Find us on a roof, address 305, Avenue Second.

    Ye microbrew Butternuts will be free on tap
    To slake thy thirst with their mighty Pork Slap.

    Pranksters will be on hand, eyes sparked with glee.
    To join us, dear friends, just RSVP.

  • Parting Shots

    Mardi Gras colors everywhere
    many layers of dereliction

    Here are a couple of my best shots from New Orleans. After being away from New York for two months, it’s been a bit of a culture shock slipping back into go mode. As for reflections on that strange and vibrant place, there are many. The richness of the speech might be the first that comes to mind. I overheard a man chatting with the clerk at the counter of a convenience store. In expressing a resigned “what can you do” kind of sentiment, the following words came from his mouth:

    Now that Johnnie Cochran’s dead, I guess I can’t cut nobody.

    He knew that the space between the words of customers and clerks was not designed for cleverness, and it was there he chuckled to himself quietly before the conversation veered in another direction. “Ain’t gonna be another Johnnie,” he said, picking up his bags, “y’all take care.”

  • Constraints

    Here is a short yet paradigm shifting piece about the future of online film and video, success, constraints, quicktime and racism. Just kidding about that last subject. Peep it here…

    (by Paul Kamuf / music by Jeff Rabb)

  • Urban



    The word ‘urban’ is often used as ad industry shorthand for black/latino people, as noted by our friend Amanda. Even though we are in the business of communications, few folks speak simply about race. This can make for very circular conversations about casting and locations, some funny, some SMH.
