Category: Our World

  • The Internet Celebrities

    quarter water for my daughter

    Our friends The Internet Celebrities just released their new short Checkmate. Ad industry people take note, their Ghetto Big Mac clip served over 1 million on YouTube, and creator Dallas Penn’s blog gets 6K uniques daily. Give a shout if you want an introduction, the dude is a wicked copywriter.


  • Party Like a Rock Band

    i see you rocker

    It’s no secret that we like to throw down; one could even call it a part of our company’s culture — an ingredient of the Desedo mystique. So when we teamed up with the good folks at Oddcast and Fuel Industries to sponsor an evening of Rock Band Mischief, we knew the scores would be high and the charisma flowing (along with the Newcastle). We couldn’t have predicted, however, that by the end of the night the ladies would have frozen the fellas out from the game console. Shaking his head, our ancestral forbear Erman might have pulled at his thin beard, wistfully saying, “así es la vida.” Such is life.

    Bang on a can, aka thanks mom.

    the people's eyebrow

    Yo! MTV Rocks

    cuteness factor

    oh no he didn't

    we stay winning

    American Idol tryouts start in six weeks!

    Los hombres Desedo. Monseiur Hastings-Black y el Señor Rivero.
    Shoutout to our gal Jerri for snapping the pics

  • Billy Dee & Brondes

    works every time

    How much loot did Lando stack for this local spot? His clip below is part of a brilliant commercial suite for the Brondes Ford dealership in Toledo, Ohio. Beyond Billy Dee, the campaign focuses on the efforts of star salesman Rico to lure customers via sumo, midgets and underwear.

    This is the type of work that can easily ‘go viral’, but that ain’t yet happened, YouTube views haven’t even cracked 1000. So I do wonder if in the planning of this campaign, was there true time and money slotted for an online seed + bleed? Cause while they’re :30s, the buy should be built to go well beyond regional TV.

    WUjN8taiklMze source

  • Social Networking Wars

    im going to poke your funwall

    When Facebook gets as spammy as MySpace, are people gonna migrate elsewhere? Is there an eternal greener pasture, free of clutter, amazing deals and soft porn? Could such a social network grow large and resist the urge to ad widgetry and apps? If so, it will reflect the growing trend of “more might not equal better”.

    While waiting, watch this video. It might make you start rolling on the floor, laughing [your] ass off.

    thx sctt
    5/31 Facebook Addiction Disorder

  • Acme Anvils

    my favorite things

    Brilliant article about brands as tradable commodities in the NYT mag on Sunday. Of course once a brand is relaunched, with it comes with a wholly new ad campaign, or at least a remix of old codes. Within this space, I’ve been wondering if there is also room to run historic ad campaigns.

    So much of our personal relationships with brands are rooted not in the actual product, but in the advertising. We ‘love’ products that we may not have even used – their narrative is part of our own nostalgic construct. Can an old advert help create a new buy? I can’t see an agency suggesting it, but a planning firm might…


  • Mischief Party Invitation

    most fun evar

    We’ve anted up with our friends at Fuel Industries and Oddcast to start a monthly party series called Mischief. Who can resist the siren song of sex + drugs + rock + roll?
    So click me to RSVP.

  • SK8 Goggles

    the homeowner sees a useless pool. the skater finds new value.

    And that’s the best thing too man. It just keeps going back to finding new sh*t. Let’s go out to this spot way out on Utica Avenue…and instead of getting off at the train spot that’s closest, maybe you take one farther out or get off at one early. And just try to look around you. You go to the same spot, but you find 10 new spots on the way there.

    -NYC Skater Pat Smith, Deathbowl to Downtown

    The more people I see twitting on Blackberries, the more I seek the skateboarder’s sense of curious chance. It’s not because of Luddite leanings, it’s that when we all start drinking from the same well, creative thinking can dry up. I believe that if we are to have value as parsers or creators, we need to look outward for thoughts and inspiration. The smartest people are tilting at windmills, not reading everyone else, keeping up with them Joneses.

    I aint been there yet.

    So how to snort fewer pixels and keep vision fresh? Like Iain Tait, I’m rediscovering the use of pens and phones (4 tlk not 2 txt). My dude Adrian Lai taught me to batch my RSS feeds into different days of the week. And no PDA.

    daily feed

    Obvs millennials make no distinction between on and offline. But that doesn’t mean virtual offices are the future. First Life aint dead, it’s just getting remixed and coming back stronger – witness the rise of Steampunk, Farming & Etsy. And on its heels might come a new luxury space, defined by the ability to disconnect.

    in the dell