Category: Our World

  • E Pluribus Unum

    E Pluribus Unum

    boundless, constrained.

    speedy at night.

    No two objects have meant as much to visual culture of late as the widespread use (and piracy) of Adobe Photoshop and the availability of digital cameras. It is no wonder, then, that the stock photography business is booming. And should we be surprised that Bill Gates presciently entered this business long ago? His stock company Corbis is the number two player in the industry.

    The creation and manipulation of images remains one of the simple pleasures of computer ownership for a great many. It is also the secret weapon of the blogosphere. From Perez, et al.:

    famous: by perez

    game on lock

    Skipping ahead to business class, I’ll note that the same image creation tools in the hands of professionals can take on wide-ranging and even sublime implications. Witness Shepard Fairey‘s entry into the most captivating narrative in a generation [1]:

    obama, obey-style

    The middling photographer in all of us lives and dies in the paintbrush and rubber stamp, the eraser and the magic wand tools in Photoshop. Somewhere around there I had the idea of creating a desktop calendar. It was, for me, a purely functional idea. Being able to visualize the coming weeks gives the processing of time a much-needed physical component that helps prevent it from getting lost in the mind haze of Life in the Big City. That’s the theory anyway. The down-side of doing so publicly, I realized only later, is that I’d have to create a new one every three months. With that, I present desedo’s 2nd quarter desktop calendar — available here at our free store. [2]

    1. Speaking of Fairey, many skateboarders have become paragons of outsider culture, not as many are invited to lecture the creative world via the PSFK conference.
    2. The four photographs in this post comprise the pixel space from which the calendar was wrought. Out of Many, One.

    Oh, and take that Photoshop!

    this one made the cut

    this one didn't

  • Stuff White People Like (and don't)

    aadl024larry-bird-posters.jpg Christian Lander, EIC of the blog Stuff White People Like, just inked a book deal for 325K. While the blogosphere has been ripe with race-based blogs for a while, this might be the first of its kind to go from pixel to print. I’m now curious to see the tone of future white-scribed humor blogs that touch on racial politics and poetics.


    Of note is that SWPL, and its progenitor Black People Love Us, are both racially self-immolating. Based in the concept of white folks being goofy and absurdly unaware that ‘others’ are equals, not exotics, this brand of humor doesn’t spit fire beyond the white man in the mirror.


    Historically, white (liberal) comic commentary has avoided other races, while on the flipside comics of color use greater narrative freedom in speaking their mind. One root of this is simply in our nation’s power structure – white people get to run the country and so everyone else can have comedy & cool. Now does this rubric change if Obama becomes president? Will white folks then feel a new sense of comic and cultural freedom, so that next time someone says “Larry Bird is overrated”, they’ll retort with ease “Yeah, well so is Antwone Fisher.”

    (black people love this movie)

  • Good Friday ROI


    At the entrance to the Bedford L this morn, a chap was handing out the above card to commuters. So simple and so direct, no need for the www. He rocked a wry smile, knowing that his ROI would likely be astronomical, either as a sting operation or a truly green enterprise.

  • Rock Thee Well

    Rock Thee Well

    Bernanke could use some Rockwell mojo right now.
    the next big holiday gift

    Ed. note: corrections appended below.

    One doubts that the home of the Whopper would have much client base in common with the paper of record’s Sunday magazine. Yet as a matter of course both Burger King and the New York Times Magazine stand behind the same face. Let me clarify. My first mentor in design once explained to me that a typeface was called such because, like a face, each one is unique. Of course, one could reliably say the same about snowflakes or tigers and still not be able to tell the difference between them even while having one’s arm gnawed off in Siberia, but the point stands. In the case of typefaces, a small subset of creative people cares very deeply about differences that most others would ignore. And in the eyes of today’s font gazers one of the movers in many circles goes by the name Rockwell.

  • MSLM & The Pirate's Dilemma


    So on the same day that I threw a rock at Vice, from Amazon arrives The Pirate’s Dilemma, a book about remix culture penned by Vice contributor Matt Mason. Love good timing. I opened the package, opened the book and was like a kid in a candy store. Here is a quick slide show that outlines his thesis:


  • Vice = Playboy 2.0?

    madonnaplayboy.jpgIs Vice positioned in the hipster snarketplace as Playboy for Millennials? Starting in 06ish, Vice’s editorial content moved toward an even split of Issues That Matter (like women’s lib in India, Authors or Pollution) and heaps more T&A. (under the aegis of fashion)

    Maybe 15 year old lads are telling mom that they read Vice…for the articles. Now is the mag sending a message to women that they can best be a part of the Vice world sans shirt? Does it castrate the value of writing about India’s Gulabi Gang?

  • Christvertising


    Religion is ginger territory for Madison Avenue. To CYA, call Christvertising next time you want in with the JC set.


    a sip of the Friday holy water to SOC