Category: Our World

  • Asian Efficiency

    Digitizing Race

    One of the best books I’ve read in ’09 is Digitizing Race by Lisa Nakamura. In her essay The Social Optics of Race, she writes that

    the racio-visual logic of…science fiction films that depict interface use set up distinct roles for particular races, and distinct ways of conceptualizing the racialized body as informational property… [and that] Asians and Asian-Americans function as the material base for technologies of digitized vision….

    I was reminded of it when seeing this Palm Pre commercial from Modernista! in which masses of Asian bodies signify supreme technology. While I doubt that this was overtly outlined as such, I do think it is a product of Western subconscious.

    HT:Sociological Images for the clip and Erin Lamberty for noting it.

  • The Casual Dining Club

    Applebees + Times Square =I’ve been wondering about the differences between the wildly successful casual dining restaurants.

    Houlihan’s vs. Applebee’s vs. TGIFriday’s.

    And so we’ve started a supperclub to find out.

    The Casual Dining Club will eat its first meal this Thurday, 7pm at Applebee’s in Times Square.

    You should join us – email or tweet @michaelhb to RSVP.

  • Cookies

    On the Desedo contact page, we suggest that if one wants to reach us, s/he could send cookies. And every so often this indeed happens. Last week the best. batch. ever. arrived from Elizabeth Suda, founder of Greensacs.

    She and I had met last year at an All Day Buffet event, exchanged business cards, and never got in touch. She is recently back from Laos and reached out to us with these wonderful drawings + cookies, which we devoured before there was time to take a pic. Rest assured that they were as beautiful as they were delicious.

  • Lifecycle

    More fun than Calvinball?
    As the NYT reported today, Geneneration Y’s nostalgia for the 90’s is in full swing. The article attributes this in part to 9/11 + our bad economy = young folks taking refuge in the halcyon days of youth. Agreed.

    But what I’m also wondering about is how the internet accelerates this process. Is the lifecycle in which content goes from hot to not to hot now shorter? And given the ability to find/connect with anything, does this enable Gen Y to simply never leave behind elements of their youth?

    I believe that networked identity creates distributed identity such that past elements of me at age 10, 16 and 22 can all exist simultaneously, moreso than ever before. WIth that in mind, I’m quite curious to see if the concept and execution of nostalgia will mutate with Generation Z.

  • Farming

    If you read the 40 Farmers Under 40 article, and are jonesing to get dirt under your fingernails, then you should WWOOF. It’s a global, customizable barter system through which you work on farms in exchange for room and board. Plus it’s a healthy way to do some armchair ethnography.

    In years past, I’ve worked on a dairy farm in Denmark, sold flowers in Iceland and spent months harvesting olives + clearing fields of boulders in Tuscany. Spoke none of the native tongues, but learned heaps while silent. I think this citymouse now needs to get himself back to the country.

  • Show Me What I'm Looking For

    save me from being confused
    Last year MHB spent July 4th in Atlantic City producing a Carolina Liar music video for the famous pop director Diane Martel. This summer, the vid is in heavy rotation on VH1’s Top 20 Countdown and the track can be heard on just about every soul searching teenage TV show.

  • Conventional Thought Tea

    that new new green
    that new new green

    Desedo resident polymath Paul Kamuf has managed, in the midst of our current goings-on, to complete a short starring one of his favorite beverages. Tea. Here’s hoping that the next time we mooch off of him, there will be some more great flavors in the cupboard. Until then, you can find the goodness here.