I loved Hot Tube Time Machine. I hated The Hangover. Many critics are comparing the two, but the films are wildly different in their self-consciousness. The former knew it was stoopid while the latter thought itself clever. As A.O. Scott said in his review
The undercurrent of misogyny and homophobic panic that courses through most arrested-development, guy-centric comedies these days is certainly present here. But unlike, say, The Hangover, which sweetens and sentimentalizes its man-child characters — allowing them to run wild and then run home to Mommy — Hot Tub Time Machine is honest in its coarseness and pretty tough on the fellows who are the agents and objects of its satire.
2 responses to “Hot Tub > Hangover”
Strongly Agree, 100%
I still don’t get The Hangover. A couple jokes were funny, sure, but as a cultural phenom it missed me. I laughed pretty much throughout HTTM.