Desedo resident polymath Paul Kamuf has managed, in the midst of our current goings-on, to complete a short starring one of his favorite beverages. Tea. Here’s hoping that the next time we mooch off of him, there will be some more great flavors in the cupboard. Until then, you can find the goodness here.
Tag: Film
Conventional Thought Tea
that new new green -
Windows Vista: Predator Edition
Dropsquad Desedo director Paul Kamuf is working with Crew Cuts editor Jon Daniel to slice and dice his short film Windows Vista: Predator Edition. Above are 3 stills from the shoot and below are some of the fine folks behind the camera. What we love about this biz is that we get to make the donuts with our friends.
Paul Kamuf, Brad and MHB teamed up to make this short film about dial tones and predator drones. It’s been flying around the festival circuit from the hills of Italy to Cali-for-ni-ay.
Unused Locations
Occasionally, an unused idea for a location or shot will be called into service for another production — a tracking shot of the New York skyline, say — but the ones that are temporally dependent like construction sites fritter away slowly on the vine. We hope that somewhere, in that great location graveyard in the sky, all the shot ideas that never quite made it onto film or tape loop endlessly to their heart’s content.
The Year in Walls
avd5tTkN_74 Here’s something from the lab.