Tag: Smart Brands

  • Elle Mac Stops You in Yer Tracks

    A strong litmus test for streetscape advertising is if it can engage one of the more harried members of our species, Homo Manhattanus. They are a quick moving lot, prone to wearing blinders. It’s not that they’re brusque, but that they must filter out a constant barrage of chaos and stimuli. Breaking through this wall is difficult for advertisers, but Free Set’s new work for Elle MacPherson Intimates is successful. It not only surprises the man on the street, it allows him/her to control the media flow of information, a rare opportunity in the NYC.

    HT @ Scott Goodson at Strawberry Frog.

  • Purple is In The Air Tonight

    l like chocolates.

    Cadbury wanted to make the viewer smile.
    Juan Cabral wrote and directed.
    Note the color scheme.
    The nostril flare.
    The neck crack.
    And the sheer release of tension.
    I’d pay good money to see the agency pitch on this:
    Gorilla + Phil Collins + Chocolate = Happy Viral.
