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  • Black Nerds: The Revolution No One Could Have Predicted

    doth halo>sex?
    On a late weekend night, two days before the release of the much-anticipated Microsoft video game Halo 3, a group of 8-to-10 black nerds in their late teens walks down the Bowery, their conversation animated. The leader of the pack, his Ben Wallace afro in full bloom, turns to the others, “Master Chief is… the Jack Bauer of… the Halo universe!” The pack, each member clamoring to respond in the affirmative before the others, turns into a burger joint.

    The rise of the black nerd has been a blustery and uneven process characterized by large gains and deep swoons. Presaged by Clarence Gilyard Jr.’s portrayal of Theo, the computer ace who hacks into the building vault in the classic film Die Hard, the nerd who is possessed wholly of a black American masculinity is a specific character that enjoys a renaissance today even as the hip-hop world continues to project a cartoonishly grotesque opposite. The broadening media landscape, however, allows us greater access to the pulse of black America even as the mainstream media seems to be stuck on stupid infatuated with the images of black males that (used to) sell records.


  • Unused Locations

    double entendre

    hanging around

    Occasionally, an unused idea for a location or shot will be called into service for another production — a tracking shot of the New York skyline, say — but the ones that are temporally dependent like construction sites fritter away slowly on the vine. We hope that somewhere, in that great location graveyard in the sky, all the shot ideas that never quite made it onto film or tape loop endlessly to their heart’s content.

  • Video Site Quality Comparison (youtube, motionbox blip, crackle)

    I made a “utility” movie to compare the quality of a bunch of video sites. It’s a 31 second movie that I have uploaded to a few sites. You can take a look for yourself and judge what’s best for you and your work.

    It’s 31 seconds and focuses on clarity, colors, synch (obviously, only up to 30 secs) and legibility. The original was created at 640 x 480 (sq. pix), 29.97 with no compression, non-interlaced. I uploaded the original uncompressed and let the sites do any and all compression and resizing.

    If you want more details, let me know. (original file, zipped up here) Also, any other sites or suggestions… let me know. So far, most of these sites do a better job than I expected!


    Motionbox Crackle

  • Who Shot Ya?

    the time has come

    Hey! The ACLU made a cousin to the doomsday clock. It’s a countdown to when you have zero privacy.

    You can count most of the videos on youtube and the pix on flickr as contributing to our surveillance society. It also occured to me that a lot of the emails you are currently sending will probably turn up in public sometime in the future. Maybe your grandkids will sue to get the rights to them or maybe an investigation of a corporation or ISP will make them public. Remember when they posted the Enron emails (FERC site)?

    6 minutes to midnight. Don’t be late.

  • Agency Spy: Hummer

    my love for the environment crushes all
    my love for the environment crushes all

    Raafi’s Hummer Hydrogen spot has piqued industry interest, including some from the Agency Spy.


  • Like A Virgin


    Richard Branson’s Virgin America airline has come out of the gate as THE plane for Generation Y & Z. Not only does it have crucial features like Plugs and USB, it also has fun features like interseat IM. But what struck me most were the drawings in their Safety Instructions. Note the scruffy gent and white belted, midriffing lady. Note the baggy pants. With these images, Virgin welcomes the 18-34 set and their zillions of dollars. And it even reaches future customers, 14 year-olds traveling with Mom and Dad can now see themselves in this heretofore ignored document. belt.jpgpants.jpg

  • Checking In With Bill

    Everybody knows the content game is where it’s at these days. The big guys, the little guys… heck, Desedo Films. So it’s nice to see Bill Murray deadpanning his way through his cameo in a moxie-produced internet-only short film. Of course Funny or Die is no ordinary internet video portal given its founders. (Love the name, hate the website, btw). Still, none of that was a factor in the snuffled laughter heard emanating from locus-Raafman a few minutes ago. Writing still counts, and spot-on performances. Them’s the facts.

    FCU with Bill Murray

    The deeper questions: streams, ad revenue, portability across platforms… oh and that significant step up in production value from where these guys started out … it looks like a few poeple are guessing that those things will shake themselves out over time. I think I’ll have a glass of milk now.

    link via arc90.