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  • Looking Down

    Having been in NY on 9/11, I gain an irregular perspective when at Ground Zero.

    On Sunday I had the privilege of shooting inside 7 World Trade Center, from which I could look down onto the changing site. I was reminded that the place and the event act as the center for entire points of view, from which much of our culture is remade.


  • Order and Disorder




    One photo is circa 1980, by Bruce Davidson (from “Subway”) the others are by me circa like last month. I dislike both scenarios, and I believe they have a lot in common. I like to think about which world I would rather live in and why… Having lived in both, I might prefer order. You?

  • Elle Mac Stops You in Yer Tracks

    A strong litmus test for streetscape advertising is if it can engage one of the more harried members of our species, Homo Manhattanus. They are a quick moving lot, prone to wearing blinders. It’s not that they’re brusque, but that they must filter out a constant barrage of chaos and stimuli. Breaking through this wall is difficult for advertisers, but Free Set’s new work for Elle MacPherson Intimates is successful. It not only surprises the man on the street, it allows him/her to control the media flow of information, a rare opportunity in the NYC.

    HT @ Scott Goodson at Strawberry Frog.

  • I Want Your Sex.

    Sex sells, especially if you saw this headline via your RSS feed and opted to click on in. Hello Nurse! Been thinking about a recent post from Agency Tart in which she explained that fashion advertising is an aspirational market. True true – few women are a size 2 and few men have 6 packs – but this is what we see – people whom we aspire to be or to be with. But now the lingerie line Agent Provocateur has taken a different course by casting Maggie Gyllenhaal for their fall campaign.

    In this perilously thin world, Mags does not fit the model of a size 2 lingerie gal. Serena Rees of Agent Provocateur said: “Maggie is not an obvious sex symbol. She is interesting looking, confident and beautiful in a way that is non-threatening, which makes her appealing to men and women alike.” That, and she is known for her whips & chains role in “Secretary”. And it is this hot kink that drives the new campaign. So Provocateur becomes the naughty cousin of Victoria and Frederick. One whom many shoppers secretly may want to be, or to be with. And AP corners mindshare and a unique space in the lingerie drawer. Well played, AP, well played.

  • Blue Bell

    In the NYT yesterday, Nicolai Ouroussoff wrote about the quirks and qualities of Bernard Tschumi’s Blue Building on the LES. A while back my good friend, musician and genius phrase-ologist Olga Bell mused that if a Rubik’s Cube wrote a poem, it would be Blue Building. Inspired, I took some photos and thanks to mo-graph artist Matt Garton at R/GA, tried a little experiment. It’s just a test of what could be, but thanks to Bell and Chuck Choi, you may be seeing a lot more architecture in my work.

  • Dick Cheney is on your Facebook

    I See Yall

    A friend of ours keeps his online info to a minimum. If you watch this clip, you’ll learn about the powers that helped finance Facebook and might think twice before whiling by profiling. Also a tip of the cap to our NYC cabbies if they strike instead of getting GPS’d, tagged and bagged.

    Learned about the black-ops from WAS

  • Purple is In The Air Tonight

    l like chocolates.

    Cadbury wanted to make the viewer smile.
    Juan Cabral wrote and directed.
    Note the color scheme.
    The nostril flare.
    The neck crack.
    And the sheer release of tension.
    I’d pay good money to see the agency pitch on this:
    Gorilla + Phil Collins + Chocolate = Happy Viral.
