The only blog you’ll ever need.

  • Flash Photography

    a lion of judah

    Learning to shoot better is, moreover, a part of learning to see the world differently — through more analytical eyes. Which brings me to Don Imus. This will all make sense, I promise.

    My first reaction to the Imus comments was the kind of weary, jaded amusement that I take from everything that seems hopelessly unfair, crude, utterly unremarkable and American. In a word, my reaction was cynical.


  • To Wit

    Old People.
    Reds, a 1981 film by Warren Beatty.
    Many reasons to watch. Or 1.
    The long lens of experience gets close up on the living faces of history.
    Old People.

  • Been Places



    During a general meeting a couple of months ago the Desedo team discussed the possibility of filming a few shorts involving old people. A few topics were kicked around vis-à-vis our elders including dating, advice, and storytelling of course. Though no plan was decided upon, discussion of the topic concluded with the dictum, “old people are good.”

  • The Elephant Goes to India

    ganesh.jpgJust spent 10 amazing days in India expanding the reach of the Desedo Dropsquad. Rolled with ECDs, diamond dealers and Bollywood starlets. Saw that our fellow pachyderm Ganesh rides loud as a motorbike and won’t be surprised when Western women begin rocking kajal. It’s 1 billion people 9.5 hours in the future from NYC.


    4/17/08: MySpace India goes on smash

  • Quality:Quantity

    A raging fire of criticism grows out there.

    Evaluation, minus opinion, is harder to come by but much more rewarding.

    This approach pays me dividends, with more pleasure and more insights from what I see read and hear. That even goes for movies that suck, like Eragon. Plenty to think about there.

    Last night I saw The Lives Of Others, which has a lot to offer in the way of insights. I don’t know if it’s any good, but it’s certainly worth your time and your $10.

  • Upset the Setup

    neutral mute in action

    For the past couple of weeks we’ve had the priviledge to be invited into rehearsal rooms and backstage to shoot some of our favorite bands. We’ve climbed onstage at shows and lugged equipment up and down stairs. All that to say… we’se been shooting. Clips to follow soon.

    Upset the Setup t-shirts available here.

  • The Year in Walls


    Here’s something from the lab.