The only blog you’ll ever need.

  • that's easy for you to say

    “If I’m obsessed with anything, it’s the problem of failure. As human beings, working in medicine, you’re going to have to think about that as a surgeon. At a certain point along the way you’re going to hurt people, and trying to find that balance between harm and good is your constant struggle, and that’s the largest struggle of anyone who works in anything with moral dimensions.”

    Dr. Atul Gawande – McCarthur Grant Fellow, on Charlie Rose

    “It has always been an advantage to have direct contact with eminent men, if only because proof positive of their essential mediocrity spurs younger talent. So long as talent is remote from those of eminence, it droops in awe and paralysis.”

    Marshall McLuhan – “Space, Time and Poetry”

    “For me, success is not about accolades. It’s about fucking up on your own terms. If there are
    mistakes in the
    movies–and they all have mistakes–at least they’re yours, and you can learn from them.”

    -Guillermo del Toro, in The Onion

    “Fail. Fail again. Fail better.”

    – Samuel Beckett

  • dont copy the copy right

    my current belief is that 90-96% of anything worth watching/forwarding on youtube contains copywritten material. as in, it contains something; a song, or a show that was created by someone talented, or a company with a budget to pay talented people, and then taken and repurposed by youtube users aka regular joes.

    am i wrong?


  • Hitting the Streets

    Street test jammy

    Official: If Senzo Tanaka is his shidoshi, then show us the Dim Mak.
    Ray Jackson: What the hell is a Dim Mack?
    Official: Death touch.


    Me and Jordan hit the pavement this morning and brought home some images. The school stuff was pretty fun to shoot. I’ve seen that wall many times and thought about photographing it — each time armed with a lame excuse why I couldn’t that day. It’s ten times better-looking with kids playing handball, though, so we even had luck on our side. We shot for about 15 minutes. Towards the end some of the kids realized we were shooting and stepped up their game a little bit. A couple others couldn’t stop looking back (or pretending not to) after every point. Cameras.

  • And so I post.

    Apple Phone: A master class in product development, design of several types, and a careful look at consumer needs and wants, filtered through the needs of the corporation. It’s beautiful because it’s a system that respects all of it’s parts, with maybe a bit of favor given to the company.

    It also makes me thing of the future. It’s hard to believe that when information and technology design become even more indespensible to our lives, for example when motor vehicles become interface and information driven, rather than mechanical, all those involved will be as open and forward thinking as apple, showing respect and restraint. They’re obviously not saints (DRM, etc.), but they’re closer than most who design and sell.

  • Fast Release

    everybody get your roll on

    After snip-snapping this pic, we circled the car around to try and get an even better shot. The guy was not amused, but I think street photography is always a bit more fun when it feels risky. People have their game faces on.

    Portraiture and intimate stuff is great too, but there’s a different kind of urgency with the shutter release with street stuff. I can only imagine what paparazzi must feel like. Not good most of the time, I presume. Until that tabloid cover shot, that is. Your boy knows all about both sides of that urgency.

  • Protected: Desedo for the Rest of Us

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  • An Unlikely Choice

    The day of Choosing had arrived.

    All of the boys gathered in the center of town, carrying only small rucksacks with food and essentials. Their eyes darted to one another, then back to the ground as if examining the already familiar scuffs and scrapes on their shoes. The town square buzzed with excitement, murmurs were traded by the townspeople and blended with the din of animal sounds. Each grown man was accompanied by his totem – the animal that complemented him, giving balance to his personality and strength. These men had all been through this ceremony, the passage from being a boy into becoming a man.

    Most of the boys knew which animal would choose him; it tended to run in the family. If he got the same totem as his father, the family’s status in the town would be sustained. Some families lost out in the process, others made significant gains.
