The CMO Council just published MHB’s essay about New Media + Multicultural Markets.
CMO Council: Multicultural Markets
MSNBC: The Alice Bond Bag
On Sunday, November 29th MSNBC’s Your Business will rebroadcast the episode Learning From the Pirates, which features The Alice Bond Bag and our friend Matt Mason, author of The Pirates’ Dilemma, who was one of the inspirations for the project.
PK and MHB are shooting a music video for Crookers, bopping all about Brooklyn before Thanksgiving. We’re going to be running fast, feeling like we’re in Sabotage. And you know we like maps, so here’s where we’ll be, all in a day’s work.
Futures of Entertainment 4
@raafirivero and @michaelhb are going north to the Future today and are excited like kids in candy stores. Up at M.I.T. we’ve met some of our fave thinkers and tinkerers and have since worked with many. More thoughts soon, and likely a flurry of tweets on the #FOE4 tip.
The Collapse
The above tweet from @kunur just knocked my socks off. Not sure what to think of it yet. Walt Whitman said that with the mind/body connection, if you lose one, you lose both. So in the time of digital natives, if they lose their networked identities, how do they function? Beyond the pangs of withdrawal, how do they construct themselves?
I feel like this virtual/real world collapse is the cyborg identity that William Gibson et al. predicted. It’s not about inserting a microchip into our brains, it’s about the tentacles of tech reaching our hearts.