Islam within Advertising (update)

21 Nov 2008

So…my white paper about Islam, Identity + Advertising has been getting some pixels round the internets. Did interviews with Religioscope + Agency Spy and Ad Age reprinted an excerpt. And it’s getting published in print by Cambridge Scholars Press, cause you know I’m an armchair academic.

Was invited to a conference about Religion and Media in Iran, waiting on some visa issues. Linking up with Fatemeh Fakhraie, EIC of Muslimah Media Watch, to do content + consulting for agencies/brands. Quite curious to see what’s next….


  1. 23 Nov 2008 Naheem Adio

    That is quite interesting … I’ve been following some of your articles on Islam and advertising and America should be paying mind to the Islamic market. I hope for the best from this conference.

  2. […] Hastings-Black of Desedo Films has offered me a free-lance consulting position if/when companies figure out that Muslims have […]

  3. 17 Dec 2008 Mariam

    It’s great that the Muslim market may finally be recognized. There is so much potential, especially towards Muslim women. We’re such a huge consumer group, but are often overlooked.

  4. […] now meeting with larger agencies to introduce them to this space, and we’ll keep you posted as the work comes out. Give a shout if you want to learn […]