Party Like a Rock Band

22 May 2008

i see you rocker

It’s no secret that we like to throw down; one could even call it a part of our company’s culture — an ingredient of the Desedo mystique. So when we teamed up with the good folks at Oddcast and Fuel Industries to sponsor an evening of Rock Band Mischief, we knew the scores would be high and the charisma flowing (along with the Newcastle). We couldn’t have predicted, however, that by the end of the night the ladies would have frozen the fellas out from the game console. Shaking his head, our ancestral forbear Erman might have pulled at his thin beard, wistfully saying, “así es la vida.” Such is life.

Bang on a can, aka thanks mom.

the people's eyebrow

Yo! MTV Rocks

cuteness factor

oh no he didn't

we stay winning

American Idol tryouts start in six weeks!

Los hombres Desedo. Monseiur Hastings-Black y el Señor Rivero.
Shoutout to our gal Jerri for snapping the pics


  1. 23 May 2008 Geraldine Garcia-Esquivel

    That was really fun!
    Thank you!

  2. 23 May 2008 antonio

    we rock!

    great party guys… see u soon

  3. 28 May 2008 the girl Riot

    i can’t wait to go next time! so sad i had to miss the first one. looks like a blast.

    or, as some say, a blasty-blast.
    …yeah, i didn’t ask either.