Archive for the 'shooting stills' Tag

Downtown Detroit

01 Apr 2010

I like lonely old cars in motion.


20 Jul 2009

We’ve been working with DP Bradford Young since before Desedo existed. So we’re thrilled that Filmmaker Magazine has named him as one of 25 New Faces of Indie Film. Below is a video that Raafi recently made with Brad, a conversation about light and story. And below that is the story from Filmmaker. Growing up […]

Unused Locations

26 Sep 2007

Occasionally, an unused idea for a location or shot will be called into service for another production — a tracking shot of the New York skyline, say — but the ones that are temporally dependent like construction sites fritter away slowly on the vine. We hope that somewhere, in that great location graveyard in the […]

Order and Disorder

10 Sep 2007

One photo is circa 1980, by Bruce Davidson (from “Subway”) the others are by me circa like last month. I dislike both scenarios, and I believe they have a lot in common. I like to think about which world I would rather live in and why… Having lived in both, I might prefer order. You?

The Clouds My Sofa

03 Aug 2007

For as much time as I have spent waxing on about flat, graphic compositions, vast depth is also deeply compelling. The thought crossed my mind as I flew home last weekend that sunset, as seen from above the clouds, will make a pious man out of a sinner — at least for the duration of […]